Monday, January 02, 2012

The Year of the Book

Just as I was getting read to close out 2011, I happened to run across an entry on Twitter about 2012 being the Year of the Book. Now, as you likely know, I am a huge fan of reading. Last year I set my goal on GoodReads to read 100 books. I met the goal, and surpassed it by much more than the icon registers because I couldn’t enter ARCs and I didn’t enter picture books.

This year I decided to truly make this my year of the book by challenging myself to read 366 books, one for each day of the year. (It’s Leap Year, in case you didn’t know.) I’ll enter everything I read onto my 2012 Books page here on my blog so you can see my true running total. Plus, I’ll enter all the books I read into GoodReads, providing they have actually been released or are coming so soon that they have an entry on GoodReads.

In the meantime, here are my Top Ten books I read last year. My complete list of books—all 102 of them—is still on the 2011 Books page on the blog. Maybe you’ll find something there to help you along with the 2012 Challenge.

Good reading!

            Variant –Wells
            Circle of Secrets—Little
            The Strange Case of Origami Yoda—Angleberger

            The Reading Promise—Ozma
            Writing Movies for Fun and Profit—Garant and Lennon
            I’m All Over That—MacLaine
            Damn! Why Didn’t I Write That?—McCutcheon
            If You Ask Me—White
            Stories I Only Tell My Friends—Lowe